Tara Samadhi is a spiritual friend, oracle, and cosmic guide, 

devoted to walking alongside others on their journey of awakening and self-discovery. With warmth, wisdom, and a deep love for the sacred, she blends her roles as a mystic and teacher with the art of creating welcoming spaces for transformation and connection.

Rooted in her own path of radical healing and devotion, Tara weaves together the wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism, Non-Dual Shaiva Tantra, sound alchemy, and ancient mystery school traditions. Through mantra, sacred sound, and her natural ability to channel cosmic wisdom, she creates spaces where hearts open, healing flows, and the Shakti within awakens.

As a keeper of sacred frequencies, Tara invites you to remember your divine essence and step into the limitless energy of who you truly are. Whether through her teachings, ceremonies, or sonic offerings, she welcomes you with an open heart to explore the magic of the pathless path together.


EveryThing YOu
Want to Know

I never set out to create a path. 

It emerged, like a song, from the silences between pain and discovery, from the sacred mess of living.  My healing journey began as a quest to untangle myself from the webs of self-hatred, addiction, fear, and co-dependency that once defined me. These challenges taught me to see; they were fierce teachers that illuminated the unlit corners of my heart.

The body, with all its mysteries, became my first temple, then my consort, my friend—a vessel holding infinite, boundless Shakti energy. It taught me that healing isn’t about erasing wounds but weaving them into the fabric of our being. Through this body, 

I began to glimpse the Goddess, her movement coursing through me like an ancient river.

It started with Sophia and the Great Cosmic Mother reclaiming sacred sexuality through the Mary Magdalene and Rose codes. These whispers carried me to Sekhmet, Isis, and the Egyptian mysteries—the temples of light where I first touched my power. Shadow work followed, leading me deep into the terrain of Carl Jung, Carlos Castaneda and The Sorcerer’s Crossing, where I uncovered the sacred feminine codes that lay dormant within me.

The biographies and stories of the mystics became my anchor, igniting a desire to document my journey. I began recording my medicine experiences, each one a thread pulling me closer to something vast and incomprehensible. Books became scavenger hunts—one sentence could open entire realms of consciousness. This map led me to India, to Brazil, and to my star family, opening channels to my galactic origins.

As my spiritual path deepened, I became a guardian of plant medicine, learning profound lessons from each sacred ally. Ayahuasca, mushrooms, and other medicines became seminal teachers, offering inconceivable messages and guidance. 

Bufo, the sacred toad medicine, has been especially transformative. 

It has brought me into the deepest integration of non-conceptual, non-dual spaces, places where I feel most at home. Serving this medicine with my partner through Cosmic Connections has been an absolute joy, allowing us to help others touch the infinite and remember their true essence.

And then, music found me—or perhaps I remembered it. During a sacred mushroom ceremony, one of my teachers unveiled a harmonium, offering a wild, untamed prayer to Kali. Something deep within me was excavated, a resonance that changed my life forever. It called me to buy my first instrument, a Bhava Mini Harmonium.

The first song I learned was “Saraswati” by Krishna Das. As I sat in my tiny Hollywood apartment, the simple melody unfolded into something extraordinary. My voice opened as if a thousand birds were singing through me. The glass windows began to tremble, and I realized I wasn’t singing—I was being sung.

The divine flowed through me, shifting vibrational codes in the universe. Tears streamed down my face as I bowed to this channel, weeping with the deepest devotion. It was wild, not only because I thought myself musically dead inside, but because I’d never heard anything like it. I’d seen it in dreams, felt it in the stars—but to experience it through this body, with its often out-of-key voice, was a miracle.

Now, all I want to do is sound the song of the Divine and help others remember they can do it too.

Along the way, I trained in many traditions, yet the deeper I journeyed, the clearer it became that no single tradition could contain the fullness of my being. I learned that when the student is ready, the teacher appears—and when the student is truly ready, the teacher disappears.

Then I found Non-Dual Shaiva Tantra, a tradition that spoke the language of my soul. The teachings of Śiva Śakti Spanda, Abhinavagupta, and the fierce goddesses of every tradition—Kali, Sekhmet, and the wild, untamed faces of the Divine Feminine—showed me the unity of light and dark, where good and evil dissolve into wholeness. These goddesses spoke through me, as me, with me. 

Finally, I understood how vast I really was, how the cosmos moved through me, no separation.

In this wild unfolding, I traveled to India, seeking a tantric teacher to help me understand what was moving through me and what longed to be expressed. That journey led me to Dharamshala, to the home of the Dalai Lama, where I immersed myself in the Dharma and the path of the Bodhisattva. I found myself on the Dharma train, hopping from one lama to another, searching for my guru. Along the way, I took a deep dive into the heart of Bodhicitta—the awakened heart-mind—which opened the path to Nepal.

In Nepal, I stayed at a monastery, studying the Lamrim, the roadmap to enlightenment, which illuminated the steps toward liberation with profound clarity. This journey pulled me deeper into the path of the Dakini and the Bodhisattva, unveiling the radiant wisdom of these celestial guides. Through their teachings, I glimpsed the delicate threads weaving together the Vajrayana and the Esoteric Hindu Path of Tantra, realizing how beautifully these paths intersect and enrich one another.

I walk the pathless path, where every step is a prayer and every breath a song. Rooted in radical responsibility, fueled by creativity, and held by non-attachment, I have learned that my story isn’t about escaping the shadows but weaving them into the radiant fabric of life. 

It’s here that the body, the cosmos, the medicines, and the Goddess dance as one.

It was during this time that the sacred songs of devotion began to sing through me. With each mantra, I felt the resonance of ancient Sanskrit flowing effortlessly, as if my being had always known this language. The codes awakened a deeper understanding of sound as both prayer and portal.

Now, I dance and sing between these numinous spaces, where body becomes void, and song becomes the river of consciousness that carries us home—to each other, to ourselves, to the infinite.