Open Your Divine Channel

You are the Art on the canvas of existence.

Step into the gifts of your full creative expression.

Open Your Divine Channel and connect to your innate wisdom.

Come and join us for a 3 days retreat this December 1-3, 2023.


You are already a Divine Channel

Through your own will, the universe emerges on the canvas of your creation.

Your Channel is Important,

Your channel holds the information of the entire cosmos and connects you to the ancient wisdom of your soul.

The Temple of Mystic Wisdom

An Online Global Mystery School

Old ruined arch in ancient palace at sunset, India

Ceremonies and Retreats

The Group Spirit Lock Ceremony is a multi- sensory guided sacred art activation journey that awakens our mystical nature of divine play, creative flow and sacred storytelling. This mystical Art gathering is established for the purpose of amplifying our divine awareness and strengthening our high magick of deliberate creation by aligning to the power of our intention to the highest expression of our creative source frequency, basically which-crafting.

Online Courses

We are the Mystic Muses and we are here to nurture the emergence of Sacred Play and Divine Expression. Through the harmonization of many different ancient lineages including our own channeled wisdom and insights, we are honored to share these sacred practices with you.

The Inner Alchemy of Transformation

Within this course, you will receive Fundamental Alchemy practices that support the Opening of Your Divine Channel. We will Attune and Activate the Three Sacred Gates that will empower and prepare your body, speech, and mind for self-expression to flow naturally.

The Inner Alchemy of Transformation

Within this course, you will receive Fundamental Alchemy practices that support the Opening of Your Divine Channel. We will Attune and Activate the Three Sacred Gates that will empower and prepare your body, speech, and mind for self-expression to flow naturally.

The Inner Alchemy of Transformation

Within this course, you will receive Fundamental Alchemy practices that support the Opening of Your Divine Channel. We will Attune and Activate the Three Sacred Gates that will empower and prepare your body, speech, and mind for self-expression to flow naturally.

In Person Workshop

As you step into the canvas of your life to create the reflection of your intention, you begin to integrate and honor the sacred union of spiritual matter to consciously express your highest Divine Magick within. The medium of art is life itself and you are a masterpiece of divine co-creation! The purpose of this journey is to access your unique frequency of high Magick by integrating the physical tools that anchor the full embodiment of your highest, most mystical and creative self. When we walk this earth with the conscious sacred connection, we walk with purpose and light up the earth with grace in every step we take.

Prayerformace Transmissions

Sound is a very potent healing medium as it carries the intelligence of vibrational frequencies directly linked to our soul. Sound speaks through intangible waves of energy linked to emotion, which can tap into different states of awareness, personal enrichment, and divine atonement. Sound is directly connected to memory and can travel far beyond time and space.

Speaking Events

Tara and Spirit’s in person activation helps you lose your mind to find your heart and shed layers of limiting beliefs that inhibit your full creative expression.

This Cosmic Life Podcast

A place where we get to explore the mysteries of how we are spiritual beings having a human experience, and how they both inform and influence the other. This is our home for exploration, integration, and transformation. Here we get to experience the frequency of true change through conscious conversations. You will hear Medicine Women and Men, Alchemists and Authors, Artists and Lightworkers, Seekers and Teachers, Magicians, Musicians, and Leaders share their Divine Gifts that activate our sacred remembering

Featured Podcast Episodes

A few of our favorites

Neal Brennan

Listen Here | From Atheist to Believer

Warren Flesch

Listen Here | Tools to Surrender

Lois Koffi

Listen Here | Finding a Teacher

Larisa Stow

Listen Here | Going into the Dark

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